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October 15, 2016

Multiplying by Powers of 10

I find so much value in using centers for my students. During our RTII time I can differentiate my math instruction through the use of math games and task cards.

Currently with my students we are working on our topic of multiplying by powers of 10. 

My classes have not yet mastered the concept of exponents for powers of 10. After our last quiz I created this center to allow for them to visually see how numbers grow when multiplying by powers of 10.

How To Play

Students will receive a bag of candy corn puzzle pieces. The objective is to have students sort and build the pieces to create a visual puzzle for powers of 10. The product of the multiplication expressions will always be the yellow piece. The exponents will be represented in the middle segment.

I have included pieces in full color (because HP Instant Ink is my everything - check out my referral code to try a free month!) and B&W for printing on colored paper or card stock.

After students have built their puzzles they will complete the recording sheet. 

This center is perfect for the fall season. Who says upper elementary can't be cute and fun?!

This a topic that I will also be creating Plickers cards for. Let me know if you'd be interested in a copy of them!


  1. I would love to purchase this but I can't find it.

  2. So sorry about that. All fixed!

